Purpose: Professional Opinion
Task: Asset Valuation for Insolvency
Location: UK
Engaged by Adam Harris and Guy Hollander of Mazars LLP, joint administrators of Datasat Communications Ltd, Wyles Hardy & Co provided a valuation team to appraise the assets of this satellite communication services business. Located at the historic Brookmans Park Transmission Station, which has been a centre for wireless communications since the 1920’s the assets included an antenna farm with a 9m Andrews auto tracking dish amongst others, a base band room and network ops centre. The assets being mostly employed in the provision of backhaul services (the intermediate connectivity between backbone systems and user interface e.g. a handset etc.) for secure blue light services communications systems.
Valuation advice was also provided regarding the IPR associated with the development of an edge of service device to enable the exploitation of the “internet of things” utilising satellite communications.
Prompt reporting enabled the joint administrators to negotiate a timely sale of the assets.